About US

The values honesty, integrity, compassion and probity have taken a back seat among the aspirants and the very idea of public service is a notion associated with gaining access to power and to fulfil the hidden agenda – ‘Jitna mila utna khalo’!

Also, the value of giving is placed high in the hierarchy while honesty is placed at the bottom. We need to reverse this trend and honesty should be placed atop of the value chain.

We cannot blame the aspirants for such an attitude when it is the general trend in society. We wish to inculcate the principles a civil servant is required to have through a better peer group, guidance and socialisation.

However, it would be wrong to generalize as exceptions exist and a good number of aspirants come with good intentions.

Institutional corruption can be tackled by infusing fresh blood who can stand up to the developmental needs of the nation.

NITHI IAS is an attempt to champion the cause of public service for the people, of the people and to the people.

We are not a philanthropic organization. It is our opinion that Civil Services Examination which is purely a highly competitive examination out beats all the good that is associated with philanthropy and to achieve our goal, to attract the best of the student talent and best of the faculty to espouse our cause we need to be a commercial entity.

Also, it would be unethical of us to follow a ‘Free Basics’ like strategy where initially everything is offered for free and later students end up in a catch 22 situation, forcing them to pay fees in the name of administrative costs.

With these brief words, we welcome you to NITHI IAS. We need your support, hard work and blessings to make this nation a better place.